Would Your Child Benefit From Occupational Therapy?

Although every child is unique in their development, the symptoms listed below may be an indicator that your child may benefit from Occupational Therapy services.

  • Delay in Age Appropriate Motor Milestones- ex. sitting, crawling, rolling, standing 

  • Poor balance or posture

  • Poor coordination 

  • Difficulty manipulating small items or inability to hold items using thumb and index finger

  • Difficulty crossing the body's midline ex. child may turn their trunk instead of reaching across the body to retrieve items on opposite side

  • Difficulty catching or throwing a ball 

  • Difficulty imitating gross motor movements

  • Difficulty with dressing tasks such as buttoning or zipping 

  • Poor handwriting or difficulty holding pencil for long periods

  • Difficulty visually tracking an item 

  • Signs of Dyslexia or letter reversal/omission when copying words 

  • Disorientation when reading 

  • Difficulty sustaining attention to tasks 

  • Behavior difficulties

  • Severe or irregular reactions to everyday situations such as baths, tooth brushing, clothing or noises

  • Difficulty sitting still or always fidgeting

  • Difficulty keeping hands to self/constantly touching people or objects/need to chew on things (sensory seeking) 

  • Avoids touch/ being dirty or avoids swings and other playground equipment (sensory avoider)

  • Poor body awareness

  • Difficulty calming self when upset 

  • Rigid thinking, difficulty transitioning or resistance to change in routine

  • Difficulty eating or avoids certain foods

  • Poor social or play skills

If you or a family member has observed your child experiencing any of these characteristics or you have concerns in any of these areas, please feel free to contact us with your questions.