
Feeding Your Brain:

Eating For Cognitive Power

With deteriorating health, particularly brain health, occurring at a global level, Feeding Your Brain introduces you to methods for maximizing your brain's fitness through nutrition, exercise, meditation, and sleep. Dr. Khan debunks popular myths about prescribed practices for overall health and uncovers studies from the last few decades revealing practical routines and interventions that are proven to help improve the brain. You'll also get a glimpse at the brain's structure and common brain functions, as well as screening tools and brain healthy recipes.

Research in neuroscience is making it clear that cognitive decline with age is a natural part of life, but researchers have identified factors that may help protect you from cognitive deterioration. What is perhaps most compelling about age-related cognitive change is its variability. Cognitive decline is not inevitable. In this astounding book, Dr. Sabina Khan, a scientist and neuro-nutritionist, explains the value of good nutrition to optimize memory and maximize cognitive reserve. Her innovative approach to cognitive health encompasses a complete food plan, detailed lists of what to eat and what to avoid, a holistic approach to lifestyle redesign, as well as information to help you determine where you are on the brain-health spectrum. Feeding Your Brain can help improve memory, prevent cognitive decline, eliminate brain fog, and lift depression with a comprehensive ten-step plan to maximize brain health.