Meet Dr. Sabina Khan, a globally recognized women's health specialist and scholar with a passion for public education and community building.

New Book!

Occupational Therapy and Women’s Health

Published by Routledge, a division of Taylor and Francis, this comprehensive textbook provides a detailed exploration of the role of occupational therapy in addressing the unique needs of women across the lifespan. This important work aims to enhance our profession by providing essential knowledge and practical tools for practitioners.

Structured into fourteen chapters:

1. Foundations of Women’s Health in Occupational Therapy
2. Occupational Therapy in Gynecological Health Management
3. Occupational Therapy in Obstetric Health Management
4. Endocrine Health
5. Autoimmune Conditions
6. Non-Cisgender Health in the Context of Women’s Health
7. Mental Health and Biopsychosocial Aspects
8. Cardiovascular Health
9. Sleep, Weight, and Lifestyle Factors in Women’s Health
10. Oncology in Women’s Health
11. Neurological Health
12. Women’s Health Across the Lifespan
13. Inter-Partner Violence and Trauma-Informed Care
14. Special Topics in Women's Health

Almost every chapter features case studies—more than 15 in total—providing practical insights and applications for occupational therapy practitioners.

I am dedicated to promoting health equity for all women. As a scholar in the health sciences and an occupational therapist, I am committed to addressing key issues in women's health.

I offer paradigms and frameworks for comprehensively addressing women's health issues, integrating physical, psychological, emotional, and social health.

My educational and training programs empower participants to analyze critical health issues, co-construct solutions to shared challenges, and provide practical tools for promoting overall wellness.

The educational spaces I facilitate draw on extensive training in psychology, occupational therapy, and nutrition, utilizing the bio-psycho-social model. My courses, therapy sessions, and workshops bring together the best of academic and practical approaches to contemporary health challenges, combined with a nuanced understanding of women's health, and delivered through an engaging, application-oriented, and discussion-based approach.

By delivering accessible, relevant, and research-based courses and trainings to individuals, communities, and organizations, I offer new understandings and practical strategies for advancing women's health and well-being.

Let’s Work Together

My approach centers on engaging individuals, practitioners, and communities in developing comprehensive frameworks for understanding women's health, offering timely paradigms for health and wellness, and co-constructing solutions to emerging health challenges.


I offer courses in various areas of women's health that are accessible, relevant, application-oriented, and research-based.


I conduct research contributing to the field of trauma-informed care approaches and women's health.


I provide therapy to women who struggle with adapting to transitions, changes, and conditions throughout the lifespan, impacting their physical, psychological, and social health.

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